Trans People Will Not Be Erased

For years our youngest showed us with behavior, until vocabulary & verbal skills broadened enough to tell us with words, “I’m not a boy.” From the age of two, while at home Charlie lived in older sister Kate’s hand-me-down princess gowns, dresses, and used ballet costumes. Even some of my old shirts and nightgowns — anything that felt like a dress.

All those years and all those opportunities, Charlie never once showed interest in playing with older brother Jack’s cars, trucks, legos, or superheroes. Instead, Charlie opted to spend hours in Kate’s room playing Barbies, Polly Pockets, and princess dress-up.

Because of my husband Matt’s and my own fears, we didn’t give Charlie the choice to wear “girly” stuff out in public until fourth grade, and even then, it was just a backpack: a glittery rainbow explosion of kittens, cupcakes, confetti, and hearts. I guess we just had to let go in baby steps.

That same year, Charlie started experimenting at school with wearing other “girls” stuff: rings, accessories, socks, shoes. When we realized this was genuinely what made our child the most comfortable and the happiest, we went shopping – just for Charlie – at the tween girls’ clothing store, Justice. That night in the dressing room I saw my child come to life. It brought me to tears.

I later wrote a thank you letter and posted it on social media, publicly. I wanted to thank the clothing store for an affirming experience in the wake of NC’s transphobic political climate with the recent March, 2016 passage of HB2, the “bathroom bill.” I had just started volunteering at my local LGBT Center, so I also wanted my community to know this was an LGBTQ-friendly store. That letter got shared many, many times, and resonated with people from all over the continent, much to my surprise.

My Charlie decided to socially transition (growing long hair, changing to all “girls” clothes, changing pronouns) throughout 5th grade to present more in line with their feminine gender identity… at a school and in a community where everyone knew Charlie as “a boy.” Matt & I stood in awe of this child who was willing to endure daily questioning, harassment, teasing, mocking, name-calling, and more, just for trying to live authentically.

It would’ve been easier to just regress or opt-out. But then again, despite the clothing, jewelry and accessories, this was still a feminine child. This had always been a feminine child, a child assigned male at birth who told me at just under 3 years old with wisdom much older, “Mommy, you know I’m only a boy because of my parts, right?”

This child always knew her/their gender identity (Charlie uses either pronoun, just no more ‘he/him’); it was the adults in Charlie’s life who didn’t. This child had known no differently than to be laughed at and mocked for trying to live authentically in this gender identity. Why go backwards — to a facade — now?

Today, The New York Times published an article titled ‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration. I first saw it on Twitter. Friends sent me the link over Facebook Messenger, texts, and email. Wanting to hear my thoughts. Making sure I was aware (I was — as a Mama Bear of a TGNC kid, you’re literally always on guard).

I’ve reflected on this all day today, trying to find the right words. I can’t. I don’t have the words. I’m not surprised. Just continually dumbfounded by the people who persist in supporting this bully-in-chief, this bully in the highest government office who wants to roll back the basic civil rights of marginalized people — people who will in no way affect his own life whatsoever. What is it that he and his cult following are so damn afraid of? (Rhetorical question.)

Suffice it to say, my child has already endured a lifetime of harassment and bullying for being a “girly boy” (one of the nicer phrases used) before socially transitioning to present more in line with her/their gender identity. But the LGBTQ community — among other minority communities — has been under constant fear of attack since the beginning of the 45th administration. We’ve always known that; this Trumpian brand of politics as a bully pulpit is nothing new. And yet, it seems we sink to a new low every day.

However, what everyone should also know is that this ‘memo’ or any subsequent guidance or legislation from the 45th administration will not eliminate the precedents set by numerous federal courts over the last two decades, which all affirm the full rights & identities of transgender people.

Whatever the 45th administration chooses to say or do next against the TGNC community is not going to undo the unanimity of consensus among medical & mental health providers and scientists around the world who see and know and work with trans people, and who write position statements outlining their affirmation, urging everyone to accept trans people for who they are. No rule, no guideline, no administration can ever erase the experiences of the trans community, their families and their loved ones.

Transgender people are the strongest, most resilient people I’ve ever met. Unfortunately, they are very accustomed to holding their heads high in a society that continually refuses to respect them, or to even see them. This is just another blip in the road, but it still hurts like hell. That said, trans people will not be erased, and especially not by a three-ring-circus masquerading as a government administration.

If you don’t like this freefall to autocracy that American society currently finds itself in, then by all means, you must vote. If you want to find out more about your state’s legal protections for LGBTQ people and their families, visit here at Lambda Legal. If you believe in civil rights and social progress, you must vote blue, no matter who. You can even find out which local candidates are endorsed here by Human Rights Campaign. If you want to learn more about transgender people, visit here at National Center for Transgender Equality. Vote like our democracy depends on it, because it really does, especially this midterm election cycle.

RT: #TransPeopleWillNotBeErased

Martie Sirois, she/her. Mother. Writer. Speaker. Founder. Ally. Advocate. 

Old Home Videos

I’ve discovered the Motherload. The file where apparently all our old ‘candid’ home video clips have lived for the past decade or so. There are so many… and part of this process has included me figuring out how to rotate the videos from their original files, because it looks like many were filmed on Jack’s first 2008 iPod Touch, sideways. You may notice that Charlie is always either wearing a princess dress, or ballet costume, and when not wearing one Charlie is at least holding one ‘feminine’ accessory, or saying at least one sassy phrase. I’d forgotten so much of this. If there was ever any doubt…

Enjoy. Continue reading

In Defense Of Trans Actors

One way we can all suck a little less at being trans allies: if a trans voice is speaking, listen to that voice. Just listen. Without arguing.

Today on Facebook, a trans female friend shared an article from Themtitled Why Scarlett Johansson — Or Any Cis Actor — Should Never Play Trans Roles. This is the debate du jour. Hollywood golden girl Scarlett Johansson has been cast to play a transgender man, Dante “Tex” Gill, in a new biopic film, Rub and Tug. Of course, it’s worth mentioning up front that the film’s PR team is justifying casting Johansson in this role by claiming that Tex Gill was “a lesbian that preferred to wear men’s clothing.” Continue reading

Today’s Meme: Feel Free To Trust Parents Of Trans Kids. Please.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve answered the same, tired questions, over and over again, from misinformed people who have no experience with trans people. I mean, I don’t at all mind answering questions that come from a place of good intentions. That’s not always the case, though. Especially online, where there lives an entire community of boring, predictable evil-doers known collectively as “trolls.” They’re easy to spot. They’re the ones who use obvious trigger words and phrases to try and hook their victims readers, and then engage them in never-ending circular arguments that generally spiral into slanderous insults. Trolls deliberately intend to hijack, disrupt, attack, offend, and just generally cause trouble, and their favorite haunt is the comments sections of social media and news sites.  Continue reading

PSA: ‘Transgender’ Is Not A Sexual Orientation

Letter T - Magnolia Boxwelve minutes had passed. As I sat in the waiting room with the electronic intake forms (conveniently located on an iPad, inside of what appeared to be a dog-proof case), I began sinking further into the corner of the comfy leather couch. I yawned. It was too warm in this doctor’s office, and I was feeling sleepier by the second. I glanced at my phone. 8:45 a.m.

“I’ve been completing forms for 15 minutes,” I thought. “There’s nothing else left to cover.” 

As I continued straining to remember which family member — paternal grandmother, paternal grandfather, maternal grandmother, maternal grandfather — had which type of heart condition, cancer, or cholesterol, or thyroid problems, my name was finally called, as always, last name mispronounced.  Continue reading

Gun Violence: Blame Toxic Masculinity

Also published here at Medium. 

It’s not a “mental health” issue. It’s toxic masculinity. 

Friday, May 18, 2018, another school shooting happened – this time in Santa Fe, Texas, just three months after the Parkland, FL massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The death toll at Santa Fe High School in Texas was 10, with 10 others wounded. One of the most compelling moments in the wake of this tragedy was, for me at least, a statement made by this student at the 1:13 mark that was captured during interview:

The interviewer asks Paige Curry, a student at Santa Fe High School, “Was there a part of you that was like, this isn’t real; this would not happen in my school?” Without hesitation, she replies, “no, there wasn’t.” When asked “why so?” Paige simply answers, “its been happening everywhere. I’ve always kind of felt like eventually it was going to happen here, too… so, I don’t know. I wasn’t surprised, I was just scared.” 

I wasn’t surprised.

Let that sink in. Continue reading

Changing Our Social Landscape: The “New” Faces Of Trans & Genderqueer People

Also published at Medium

No, they’re not new per se. What’s new is how we’re seeing their faces more broadly, as symbolic sledgehammers of society, breaking down walls that have for decades stood in the way of authenticity.

Jacob TobiaJeffrey MarshHarry James HansonHunter SchaferCJCharlie. Get to know these (and hundreds more like them) as the lovely human beings they are. These gifted souls are Continue reading

DeVos, Severino, And The “Religious Freedom” That Will Harm Our Most Vulnerable

A later version of this story published on Medium

Meet Mimi Lemay, an amazing Mom, trans youth advocate, and someone I’m proud to know through the wonders of technology. Mimi did this MSNBC interview in May, 2016, after the Obama era guidance was issued regarding transgender students in public schools. That guidance clarified how to best support transgender students in schools across the nation, in light of more trans students being “out.” Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, schools receiving federal money may not discriminate based on a student’s sex, including a student’s transgender status. The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice released in 2016, under President Obama, joint guidance to help provide educators with the information they needed to ensure that all students could attend school in an environment free from sex discrimination, and that in no uncertain terms included transgender students.  Continue reading

There’s No ‘Right’ Way To Be Trans: 5 Things Parents Need To Know

“Insistent, persistent, and consistent.”

Parents of trans kids are typically familiar with this trinity of words; they’ve been considered the guiding principals in determining whether a child is actually transgender, or just going through some sort of phase. When parents rush to the internet, often frantically, searching for resources because their child is showing or telling them that they are different from their sex assigned at birth, the “insistent, persistent, and consistent” mantra shows up more often than not. Those words are the foremost, foundational concept that research regarding trans youth has built upon (considering not much research on trans youth – specifically, the Gender Affirmative Model – really became more available until around 2013). Continue reading